Nikhil Mahajan
I enjoy coding & working on challenging projects. Love to collaborate with people and learn new things
Hello there 👋, I am Nikhil from MP, India. I am passionate about the software development.
- Working on IKS certificate portal backend
- Working on Astrikos
- Looking for off campus intern opportunity
- Relax and Chill as Winter vacations are going on
- Exploring ML - snake-ai-game ml-notes
Social Links
Large scale projects
Team Projects build with proper planning - Verified by mentors
- Election Portal - It is the portal for conducting elections within IIT Roorkee campus. Around 10K students visit our portal during last elections. The best part is that our prs are reviewed by seniors. Creating a product for real case scenario is a great experience. The repo is private but I can share the link of the website. Skills: Next Typescript, Django, Docker, Git, Github, PostgreSQL. Completed 🎊 Around 6K+ voters cast their vote on the site without any technical issues
Small scale projects
Personal Projects for learning purposes
- Stock simulator using API - A simple stock simulator using the API. One of my first projects for which I have received a payment. Skills: ReactJS, Bootstrap
- NASA Hackathon 2022 - A project for NASA Hackathon 2022. We have created a game for the kids to learn about the space. Skills: ReactJS, Bootstrap
- Auth using NodeJS - A simple authentication system using nodejs. Skills: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB
- Dictionary Extension (MDG Space Assignment) - A chrome extension to search the meaning of the word. Skills: Javascript
- Socialify (MDG Space Assignment) - A social media website. Skills: React Typescript, firebase
- Blog App (MDG Space Assignment) - A blog app. Skills: ReactJS, Django
- Idonate (MDG Space SoC’22) - A website for the NGO. My first project. Skills: ReactJS, firebase
- I had participated in the Season of Code 2022 which is my first exposure to development
- I then get recruited and joined the team as a developer
- Since then we are given a lot of projects and assignments to work on.
- These all have helped me to learn flow of development, how to work in a team, the importance of deadlines.
- I have also taken part in the code reviews of my fellow developers.
- Have become mentor in the Season of Code 2023
- I also had taken a lecture on ReactJs for the freshers.
- Involved in many other Events by MDG Space
- GSoC’23
- I have successfully completed the GSoC’23 under the Wikimedia Foundation
- Refer GSoC Report for all related details, links
- I have write the tests for the various user journeys within Wikifunctions platform
- I got an exposure to the large scale projects and work with the people from all over the world
- I am proud that I am involved in a project that is the founding stone for creating next Wikipedia
- Got exposure to the open source community
- Skills: WebdriverIo, Selenium
- Google search for the bugs or go through docs to learn new things : Highly Experienced
- Python : Django : Experienced
- Javascript : ReactJS : NextJS : Experienced
- HTML : CSS : Bootstrap : Experienced
- Docker : Git : Github : Experienced
- WebdriverIo : Selenium : Experienced
- C++ : Skillful
- PostgreSQL : Skillful
- NodeJS : ExpressJS : Skillful
- ChatGPT Prompts : Skillful
- B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from IIT Roorkee (Batch of 2025)
- IIT is dream of every engineering aspirant in India. I am proud to be here. I have learned a lot of things here.
- I don’t have decent grades (7.86 CGPA) but I have learned how to manage time, how to work in a team, how to learn new things, how to manage stress.
- I have a lot of fun time with my friends and seniors. Involved in lots of debates and discussions on random topics.