
Nikhil Mahajan

Software Engineer

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About Me

An enthusiastic developer driven by a passion for learning and exploring various technologies, delivers work within timelines, is a fast learner, collaborates efficiently in team projects, takes leads and initiatives. Know where to make assumptions to speed up work and when to brainstorm beforehand with the team. Effectively utilize AI, Google search, and Docs to boost development time.


Astrikos AI

Full Stack Developer

  • Worked on Flow Programming
  • Dynamic code execution through Nodes
  • Worked on time series data, celery, queues
  • Worked with a complex IOT based codebase

Repello AI

Full Stack Developer

  • Red Teamed 2 LLM startups
  • Developed the automated red teaming platform
  • Worked on dynamic PDF Report Generation, realtime logs streaming
  • Made adjustments to the automated red teaming engine

Google Summer Of Code 2023, Wikimedia Foundation


  • Wrote e2e tests for various user journey
  • Worked on a project with a substantial codebase
  • Identified minor bugs
  • Familiarized with the work culture of an open source organization
  • Utilized WebdriverIO, a browser automation framework

MDG Space, IIT Roorkee

Project Manager

  • Involve in multiple projects from ideation to implementation to deployment
  • Organize and conduct various workshops and mentorship programs
  • Learn standard coding practices
  • Effective collaboration with team members


Indian Institute Of Technology Roorkee

November 2021 - April 2025

B.Tech in Chemical Engineering


Election Portal

Serves as the official platform for conducting election processes for various Positions of Responsibility (PORs) at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Around 10K+ voters used the application to cast the votes. Adopted various security measures. Wrote quality and extensible code. Worked with NextJS, Django, Postgres, Strapi and Docker. Contributions in scalable infra setup using Terraform and AWS.

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Certificate Portal

Developed for the Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) Division of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. This Dynamic Certificate Generator is capable of utilizing any certificate template to generate certificates from an Excel file. The project involved the use of Django, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, Docker, Pillow, and Nginx. Contributions in setup of SQS, Lambda, S3.

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EC2 Setup Script

A script to set up the EC2 instance with an Ubuntu image. It will install necessary tools such as Docker, Git, Nginx, and Certbot. Additionally, it configures the shell and user management, creating RSA key-based login for non-sudo users.

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Insta Scrapper

Developed a bot to scrape Instagram. Worked with Selenium, Flask and Peewee ORM. Tried implementing proxy rotation to counter Meta IP address bans.

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Stock Simulator

A freelance project. Developed a simulation platform to practice trading. Added data visualization. Implemented state management. Utilized ReactJS and Bootstrap.

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How does Node Js work behind the scene?

Node Js is not a programming language but it is a Javascript runtime environment. It is built on top of V8 Engine and LibUv. Node Js has the Event-Driven Architecture and the event loop is said to be the heart of this architecture.

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Bits on the Move

Files are collections of binary digits. Whether it’s an image, audio, video, text, or any other data type, the interpretation of those binary values determines what the data represents. Binary data might seem a bit strange, but it’s the backbone of our digital world.

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